On this page, we have compiled a collection of other Everton-related websites that we hope are of interest to our members.
Please feel free to email us with your suggestions of other possible websites.
(10 Apr)
Club Websites...
Official Everton: The official website of Everton FC. The official word from up on high. Informative, uncontroversial and regularly updated.
The Everton Former Players' Foundation: The website of the charitable organisation that raises funds through public awareness and special events for former Everton players. The monies raised by the Foundation go towards the financial and medical assistance of former Everton players who did not have the luxury of today's inflated wages.
The Everton Collection: The world's greatest club collection of football memorabilia. On their website, you can search over 18,000 items in the Collection with 1,000s of images freely available to view.
News Websites...
BBC Everton: The BBC's dedicated Everton news webpage.
ITV: ITV's dedicated webpage for news on Everton.
Sky Sports: The webpage of "the home of Premier League football" that is dedicated to Everton news.
The Independent: The newspaper's webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Daily Mail: Their webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Sporting Life: Their webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Daily Mirror: Their webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Daily Telegraph: The Torygraph's very own webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Sun: From the newspaper infamous on Merseyside for telling The Truth, their webpage dedicated to Everton news. At least if you read it online, you're not contributing towards it.
The Liverpool Echo: The local evening newspaper’s webpage dedicated to Everton news.
The Liverpool Daily Post: The local morning newspaper’s webpage dedicated to Everton news.
NewsNow: An excellent comprehensive aggregation service of all Everton news. However, the sheer amount of articles listed can be overwhelming and, be warned, your social life could suffer. The mother of all links!
FootballNewsNow is another comprehensive aggregation service of all Everton news.
Fan Websites...
ToffeeWeb: The first and largest(?) Everton fanzine website on the net. ToffeeWeb provides masses of current and historic stuff covering almost every aspect of Everton FC.
Bluekipper: Another good fanzine website with a range of views on EFC related topics (but with more swearing than ToffeeWeb). An interesting site even if it does look a bit overwhelming at first. It's updated daily.
GrandOldTeam: A “100 per cent unofficial, completely independent, funded and managed by Everton fans for fellow Blues”. Undoubtedly, one of the better fanzine websites.
The Everton A Fans Forum "for Evertonians, by Evertonians". For some strange unfathomable reason, it actually uses a .com address suffix.
ESCLA: The website of the supporters club serving the London and South East area. It’s the largest Everton supporters club and has been running since 1975.
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum: A website "dedicated to bringing Evertonians around the world the latest news and views on Everton Football Club".
SoS1878 is an independent website (established in September 2009) that "prides itself on regular updates throughout the year with accurate reporting, intelligent articles and all the news from Goodison Park". Incidentally, SoS stands for School of Science.
Historical Football Kits includes a comprehensive archive of Everton's kits over the years ... also includes a webpage dedicated to Everton's change kits.
Premier League Heroes: A 'Where Are They Now' website that provides information on ex Premier League footballers' playing careers and what they are up to now that they have retired.